Thursday, March 27, 2014

Imaginative Crochet Unicorn Dog Costume Mask

Hiroko Fukatsu a beautiful yarn artist from Tokyo Japan and who sells lovely patterns on Ravelry  created an absolutely gorgeous Unicorn mask for her cute black Shiba dog.

The Unicorn mask was created in order to make her own original New year's cards (under Chinese horoscope, 2014 is the year of the horse)

Unfortunately Hiroko said she did not create a pattern in order to make the mask and does not plan to sell patterns of her unicorn mask. A shame as with it being the year of the horse having a horse related outfit for this years Halloween for your dog sounds like a very cute option and may be just the go in mystical chic, and pop culture pop for your pooch.

Below I have included a photo of her imaginative creation but for more images of this go to:

and for her lovely knitted and crochet patterns for adults you can look at what she has available for sale:

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